The C -et- C Bead Guide

A guide to the beads used at C -et- C to create our handcrafted jewellery. A description of colours, textures and properties.

Carnelian ~ ruby red and semi-translucent, renowned for its vibrant energy and properties of strength, courage and emotional balance. 

Jewellery made with this stone: Lakshmi, Phoebe, Maeve, Fortuna, Parvati

Crazy Lace Agate ~ an opaque white stone with grey streaks running through, giving a smokey colour. Has been referred to as the "laughter stone,". It is said to be balancing, protecting, bringing joy and absorbing emotional pain.

Cultured / Freshwater Pearls ~ white opaque irregular shaped pearls also referred to as 'rice pearls'. They are said emanate good vibes, help in clearing the mind and relieving mental tension.

Jewellery made with this stone: Maeve, Freyja, Daphne, Aurora, Clio, Maia, Laksmhi, Pomona, Rhiannon, Aphrodite, Selene, Persephone

Dalmation Jasper ~ opaque beige stone with black speckles hence the name 'dalmation.' Said to help calm stress and relieve negative thinking patterns.

Jewellery made with this stone: Pax, Cora

Green Aventurine ~ translucent jade green in colour. Has been alluded to provide strength, confidence, courage and happiness.

Jewellery made with this stone: Calypso, Minerva, Jupiter

Moss Agate ~ dappled sea green stones with a dappled texture. Said to balance mood, enhance self esteem and foster emotional stability.

Jewellery made with this stone: Irene

Mother of Pearl ~ nearly opaque pearly white beads, thought to enhance intuition, imagination and sensitivity.

Jewellery made with this stone: Artemis, Caïssa, Luna, Eachna, Jupiter, Flora

Red Aventurine ~ translucent soda pop orange in colour, known as a good luck stone and is often used in manifestation rituals and spells.

Jewellery made with this stone: Phoebe, Parvati

Rose Quartz ~ a smokey baby pink, said to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.

Jewellery made with this stone: Parvati, Phoebe, Flora, Maeve

Sodalite ~ a dappled deep blue, thought to bring order and calmness to the mind.

Jewellery made with this stone: Athena, Theia, Jupiter

Picture Jasper ~ sandy desert colours, no two beads the same, a powerful grounding stone said to promote connection to the earth.

Jewellery made with this stone: Thallo

Obsidian ~ a dense black stone, believed to be a stone of clarity, with the ability to release emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages, drawing out stress and tension.

Onyx ~ black shiny and opaque, known to bring strength, protection and grounding.

Jewellery made with this stone: ArtemisCaïssa, Luna, Thallo

Tigers eye ~ shiny marbled opaque brown stones, shimmers in the sunlight, thought to bring confidence and courage with a grounding and protective energy.

Jewellery made with this stone: Hera, Eachna, Rhiannon, Pomona, Aphrodite

Unakite ~ beautiful opaque marbled dusky green and pink, said to bring compassion, grounding, empathy and balance.

Jewellery made with this stone: Gaia, Dalia, Rhea


As each piece of jewellery is individually hand made to order with hand selected beads, no two come out the same.

Every necklace or set of earrings will have different characteristics due to the nature of natural materials. 

A drawstring bag and care instructions and storage box are included with every piece of beaded jewellery from the C -et- C collection.

Each item is handcrafted to order in Somerset, England.   Please allow 1 -2 weeks for us to make and ship your necklace.

See the full collection here.